Surah 102: At-takathur
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Al haaku mut takathur

Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you

Hatta zurtumul-maqaabir

Until you visit the graveyards.

Kalla sawfa ta'lamoon

But no! You will soon come to know.

Thumma kalla sawfa ta'lamoon

Then, no! You are going to know.

Kalla law ta'lamoona 'ilmal yaqeen

Indeed, if you were to know ˹your fate˺ with certainty, ˹you would have acted differently˺.

Latara-wun nal jaheem

You will surely see the Hellfire.

Thumma latara wunnaha 'ainal yaqeen

Again, you will surely see it with the eye of certainty.

Thumma latus alunna yauma-izin 'anin na'eem

Then, on that Day, you will definitely be questioned about ˹your worldly˺