Path to
Wal mursalaati'urfaa
By those [winds] sent forth in gusts
Fal'aasifaati 'asfaa
And the winds that blow violently
Wannaashiraati nashraa
And [by] the winds that spread [clouds]
Falfaariqaati farqaa
And those [angels] who bring criterion
Falmulqiyaati zikra
And those [angels] who deliver a message.
'Uzran aw nuzraa
As justification or warning,
Innamaa too'adoona lawaaqi'
Indeed, what you are promised is to occur.
Fa izam nujoomu tumisat
So when the stars are obliterated
Wa izas samaaa'u furijat
And when the heaven is opened
Wa izal jibaalu nusifat
And when the mountains are blown away
Wa izar Rusulu uqqitat
And when the messengers' time has come...
Li ayyi yawmin ujjilat
For what Day was it postponed?
Li yawmil Fasl
For the Day of Judgement.
Wa maaa adraaka maa yawmul fasl
And what can make you know what is the Day of Judgement?
Wailuny yawma 'izillilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Alam nuhlikil awwaleen
Did We not destroy the former peoples?
Summa nutbi'uhumul aakhireen
Then We will follow them with the later ones.
Kazzalika naf'alu bilmujrimeen
Thus do We deal with the criminals.
Wailunw yawma 'izil lil mukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Alam nakhlukkum mimmaaa'im maheen
Did We not create you from a liquid disdained?
Faja'alnaahu fee qaraarim makeen
And We placed it in a firm lodging [i.e., the womb]
Illaa qadrim ma'loom
For a known extent.
Faqadarnaa fani'mal qaadiroon
And We determined [it], and excellent [are We] to determine.
Wailuny yawma 'izil lilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Alam naj'alil arda kifaataa
Have We not made the earth a container
Ahyaaa'anw wa amwaataa
Of the living and the dead?
Wa ja'alnaa feehaa rawaasiya shaamikhaatinw wa asqainaakum maaa'an furaataa
And We placed therein lofty, firmly set mountains and have given you to drink sweet water.
Wailuny yawma 'izil lilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Intaliqooo ilaa maa kuntum bihee tukazziboon
[They will be told], "Proceed to that which you used to deny.
Intaliqooo ilaa zillin zee salaasi shu'ab
Proceed to a shadow [of smoke] having three columns.
Laa zaleelinw wa laa yughnee minal lahab
[But having] no cool shade and availing not against the flame."
Innahaa tarmee bishararin kalqasr
Indeed, it throws sparks [as huge] as a fortress,
Ka annahoo jimaalatun sufr
As if they were yellowish [black] camels.
Wailuny yawma 'izil lilmukazibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Haazaa yawmu laa yantiqoon
This is a Day they will not speak,
Wa laa yu'zanu lahum fa ya'taziroon
Nor will it be permitted for them to make an excuse.
Wailunw yawma 'izil lilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Haaza yawmul fasli jama 'naakum wal awwaleen
This is the Day of Judgement; We will have assembled you and the former peoples.
Fa in kaana lakum kaidun fakeedoon
So if you have a plan, then plan against Me.
Wailuny yawma'izil lilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Innal muttaqeena fee zilaalinw wa 'uyoon
Indeed, the righteous will be among shades and springs
Wa fawaakiha mimmaa yashtahoon
And fruits from whatever they desire,
Kuloo washraboo haneee 'am bimaa kuntum ta'maloon
[Being told], "Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do."
Innaa kazaalika najzil muhsineen
Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.
Wailuny yawma 'izil lilmuzkazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Kuloo wa tamatta'oo qaleelan innakum mujrimoon
[O disbelievers], eat and enjoy yourselves a little; indeed, you are criminals.
Wailunny yawma 'izil lilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Wa izaa qeela lahumur ka'oo laa yarka'oon
And when it is said to them, "Bow [in prayer]," they do not bow.
Wailunny yawma 'izil lilmukazzibeen
Woe, that Day, to the deniers.
Fabi ayyi hadeesim ba'dahoo yu'minoon
Then in what statement after it [i.e., the Qur’ān] will they believe?